











    1. 主持及参与的科研项目

      (1)2018.01-2018.12:主持国家自然科学基金理论物理专项 “非厄密系统中量子特性研究” (批准号:11747107)

      (2)2017.01-2019.12:主持湖南省自然科学基金项目 “混合量子系统最佳参量估值与量子信息处理研究” (批准号:2017JJ3346)

      (3)2017.09-2019.08:主持长沙市科技项目 “面向互联网监控的数字图像隐写分析系统的研究与开发” (批准号:K1705022)

      (4) 2016.01-2018.12:主持湖南省教育厅科学研究项目 “PT对称量子理论中量子信息处理及其应用” (批准号:16C0134)

      (5)2016.01-2018.12:主持教育部重点实验室课题“混合系统的量子费舍信息和量子相干性调控” (批准 QSQC1810)

      (6)2015.09-2020.09:主持十大网投靠谱网站人才引进项目“经典噪声环境下量子关联动力学” (批准SF1504)

      (7) 2014.01-2015.12:主持湖南省研究生创新项目 “经典噪声环境下量子失协动力学研究” (批准 CX2014B194)

      (8)2015.01-2017.12:参与国家自然基金项目 “量子存储支撑的超熵压缩与超低噪声量子信息处理研究”(批准号:11374096)

      (9)2018.01-2020.12:参与湖南省教育厅重点项目 “PT 对称系统中量子费舍信息与量子关联动力学” (批准号:18A373)

      (10)2018.01-2020.12:参与长沙市科技厅项目:“非厄密系统中量子费舍信息与量子关联动力学研究” (批准号:kc1809023)

    2. 获得奖项和知识产权成果

    3. 国家发明专利:一种带可变焦距镜头的光学装置。专利号:ZL20200157549.7

    4. 论文发表

    [1]Y. N. Guo,G.Y.Wang*, Witnessing criticality in non-Hermitian systems via entropic uncertainty relation.New J. Phys. 24 , 093035(2022)

    [2] J. Xu,Y. N. Guo*, Unconventional steady states and topological phases in an open two-levelnon-Hermitian system.New J. Phys. 24 , 053028(2022)

    [3]Y. N. Guo,H.P.Peng, Q. L. Tian, Z. G. Tan and Y. Chen, Local quantum uncertainty in a two-qubit Heisenberg spin chain withintrinsic decoherence.PhysicsScripta,96:075101 (2021)

    [4]Y. N.Guo*,H. P. Peng, K. Zeng and G. Y. Wang, Sudden change of local quantum uncertainty and geometryFor arbitrary two-qubit X-states.Quantum Inf. Processing,19,304(2020)

    [5]Y. N. Guo, M. F. Fang*, S. Y. Zhang and X. Liu,Interplay between coherence and mixedness as well as its geometry for arbitrary two-qubit X-states. Quantum Inf. Processing21,149(2022)

    [6]Y. N. Guo, W. Li and H Dong*, Squeezing of a two-level system due to classical phase noisy laser.Laser Physics Letters,17:095206 (2020)

    [7]Y. N. Guo, H. P. Peng, C. Yang, Q. Xie and K. Zeng*, Davies theory for teleportation of quantum Fisher information underdecoherence.Laser Physics Letters,16:125202 (2019)

    [8]Y. N. Guo,C. Yang. Q. L. Tian, G. Y. WangandK. Zeng,Local quantum uncertainty and interferometric power for atwo-qubit system under decoherence channels withmemory. Quantum Inf. Processing18,375(2019)

    [9]Y. N. Guo, K. Zeng and P. X. Chen*, Teleportation of quantum Fisher informationunder decoherence channels with memoryLaser Physics Letters,16:095203 (2019)

    [10]Y. N. Guo,M. F. Fang*, G. Y. Wang, J. Wang andK. Zeng,Enhancing parameter estimation precision by non-Hermitian operator process, Quantum Inf. Processing,16,301(2017)

    [11]Y. N. Guo,M. F. Fang*, G. Y. Wang and K. Zeng.Distillability sudden death and sudden birth in atwo-qutrit system under decoherence at finitetemperature, Quantum Inf. Processing 15, 2851 (2016)

    [12]Y. N. Guo,M. F. Fang*, G. Y. Wang and K. Zeng,Generation and protection of steady-state quantumcorrelations due to quantum channels with memory, Quantum Inf. Processing,15, 5129-5144 (2016)

    [13]Y. N. Guo, M. F. Fang* and K. Zeng,Entropic uncertainty relation in a two-qutrit system with external magnetic field and Dzyaloshinskii–Moriyainteraction under intrinsic decoherence.Quantum Inf Process,17:187(2018)

    [14]Y. N. Guo, Q. L Tian and K Zeng*,Quantum coherence of two-qubit over quantum channels with memory. Quantum Inf. Processing 16,310(2017)

    [15]Y. N. Guo, M. F. Fang*, S. Y. Zhang, J. Huang and X. Liu, Non-Markovianity for a qubit system driven by a classical phase noisy laser. Eur. Phys. J. D 68, 335 (2014)

    [16]Y. N. Guo, K. Zeng*and G. Y. Wang, Pairwise quantum discord for a symmetric multi-qubit system in different types of noisy channels. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 55,2894-2903 (2016)

    [17]Y. N. Guo, M. F. Fang*, H. M. Zou and X. Liu, Sudden death of distillability in a two-qutrit anisotropic Heisenberg spin model. Quantum Inf. Processing 14, 2067-2076 (2015)

    [18]Y. N. Guo, M. F. Fang*, S. Y. Zhang and X. Liu, Quantum correlations of three-qubit states driven by classical random external field. Phys. Scr. 90, 035103 (2015)

    [19]Y. N. Guo,M. F. Fang*, X. Liu and B. Y. Yang, Dynamics of quantum discord in a two-qubit system under classical noise. Chin. Phys. B 23, 034204 (2014)

    [20]Y. N. Guo, M. F. Fang*, B. Y. Yang, H. M. Zou and X. Liu, Dynamics and protection of quantum discord for two uncoupled qubits driven by classical phase noisy laser. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 2277-4 (2014)




    3、2016年至今,担任量子信息处理(Quantum information processing)和国际理论物理(International Journal Theor Physics)杂志审稿人





    (1) 郭有能、王国友。大学物理实验教学培养科研思维的探索,产业与科技论坛,ISSN:1673- 5641 (2018/6/15 ) 17,160

    (2) 郭有能、田清龙。浅议大学物理课程考试信息化,求知导刊,ISSN:2095- 624X (2018/8 ) 134,26

    (3) 田清龙、郭有能。浅议高等院校信息类实验室管理系统建设,现代交际ISSN:1009- 5349 (2017/7/3 ) 10,21-22



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